Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Maggie the rabbit

Very recently I have stumbled across Alicia Paulson's blog Posie Gets Cozy and since then life has stopped!  I have read every single one of her posts, these go back to September 2005 and I'm up to December 2010, so you can see I'm slightly obsessed!  Luckily I work in a school and have the holidays off, so I've had plenty of time to indulge.

She has me laughing, crying and most importantly inspired.  What a woman, full of great designs and can write a line or two.  Sometimes I think I'm boardering web stalking, if there is such a thing, but I know that I just admire her and she makes me laugh and I love reading about her life and her adorable daughter (I cried buckets when she came into their lives!!!). 

Her most recent designs is a rabbit called Maggie ........ she is just gorgeous.  Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to buy a kit from her before they sold out and I couldn't wait for her to re-stock, so I bought a down-loadable pattern and bought the materials myself.

Here is my first Maggie ......

Body sewn together

All ready for her dress and cape

All finished.  I LOVE her!

When I ordered the materials, I bought LOADS, so I've been making more, 4 more, all at the same time.  I've been seeing rabbits in my sleep!

Bodies made, arms and legs stuffed, ears sewn, booties cut and yarn ready.

On another note, I really need to sort out my sewing space as it's driving me mad.  I sit here on the sofa during the day as I have the daylight coming through the window and the side table is great for keeping everything on.  But in the evening it's too dark and I can't see anything.

I then move over to this corner were the light is.  The chair is really uncomfortable as the seat support broke and Irwin cut a square of wood to replace it.  It's HARD!  The chest of draws is where I keep all my supplies (we bought this a couple of weeks ago as we didn't really have a lot of storage in the living room and I have hijacked it!). 

The draws are slowly getting filled up with fabric.  I just need to move all the other supplies that are in another chest of draws up in my bedroom downstairs so they are all in one place.  What I need to do is to get Irwin to put a shelf in the bottom draw, one that slides across I can still get the things underneath.  "Irwin ........... ".

Anyway, back to the bunnies

On Saturday afternoon I started cutting all the pattern pieces for my bunnies.  One was for my daughter Em, two presents for friends and one special present for a little girl who was coming to see me this week. I'm friends with her mum and last week they had to go through the heartbreaking experience of having their 5 year old dog Honey put to sleep as she had cancer, soooo sad :-(   I thought that I would make one for her daughter so that she would have something else to cuddle and hoping that it would cheer her up a little. 

I had my first Maggie sat up on my mantelpiece so I could see her and admire her and lover her.  I underestimated how long it would take me to make them all and I knew that hers would not be finished in time for her visit on the Tuesday. 

I gave her my Maggie, her needs were greater than mine and I will keep one of the new ones.  She loved her!

I knew that Alicia would approve.

Love Marge x



  1. Thank you Marge! She is just darling!!! What a wonderful gift. xoxo

    1. Glad you like her. She's been renamed Honey Bunny, in memory of their dog x Thank you so much for commenting x

  2. How lovely of you to give away the first Maggie...but like you say, needs must, and you can make yourself another.

    I too am a big fan of Alicia's blog, it's one of my favourites. Very inspiring. I wasn't quick enough to order a rabbit kit but I did do her Winterwoods sampler last year and I love it so much.

    Gillian x

    1. Thanks Gillian. I'm going to tackle an embroidery pattern next. I've never done it before, so it should be fun! Haha

  3. Hi, i have just finished my first bunny, i have her dress to make and found you via pinterest. I love the material you have chosen for her dress, i too wasn't fast enough to buy a kit. Hope you get your other bunnies done soon so we can see them, such a lovely idea to give away the first one. Happy stitching x
