Tuesday, 31 May 2011

A Weekend In Devon

We enjoyed a weekend in Devon over the long bank holiday ...... and what a great weekend it was, enjoyed with family and friends.  A little too much drink was consumed on Saturday night, but the slight hangover was worth it.  I went armed with my camera and enjoyed taking some lovely pictures.

I loved this house.  It was sat right beside an estuary all on it's own.  You had to drive down a mile lane to get to it.  My idea of heaven.

I love this one.  Can you see the sand being whipped up?

Hector the dog sat waiting for me, bless him.  Not long after this he was attacked on a different beach.  Not very nice at all!!

I couldn't resist taking a snap of Hector's paw prints in the sand!

I found lots of mussel shells that had turned a lovely purple/blue colour.  The looked just like Spode china.

This is The Younger Son having his first go at surfing.  Not a bad first effort I think you'll find.  I haven't seen such a big smile on his face as he was coming out of the water.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for dropping by and visiting my blog via Sarah. It's lovely to meet knew people via blogging from all around the world!

    I would love to visit Devon. When we were in England a couple of years ago we only spent time in London, which was amazing, but we really missed out on seeing so many other places. I can't wait to go back and see more!

    Best wishes and happy Friday,
