Saturday, 28 April 2012

Feeling Poorly

Another Saturday, another thumping headache so I'm snuggled up on the sofa with wood burner lit, trying to get rid of it ....... without much luck.

I hope you're having a better day!

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Thursday's Song - Jason Mraz, I won't give up.

Do you a bit of a drive to work in the morning?

I have a 45 minute drive and I know to some people that would be their worse nightmare, but I love the drive.  It's usually the only time I get to be on my own and I like being on my own. Time to day dream, time to think life through, time to talk to my sister up in heaven.  I listen to Chris Evans on Radio 2 and I think he's bloody great.  I can't stand the presenters on our local radio and if I ever have to listen to them I want to hit the radio ...... not a good start to the day, eh?  I find they are usually so false and put on that stupid happy, laughy, bubbly voice on and try to make it sound like they are having so much fun with their 'pals' in the studio, but I just want to shout at them 'WHY CAN'T YOU BE NATURAL, I'M NOT HAPPY, LAUGHY, BUBBLY IN THE MORNING AND YOU SHOULDN'T BE EITHER!!!!!'  aaaarrrrrggghhhhhh


Anyway, Chris Evans (in my humble opinion) get's it just right.  Just the right amount of happiness in the morning and what really makes the show great is that his team genuinely sound like they are having a good time and like each other and not pretending! 

This song usually comes on the radio on my drive and the radio gets turned RIGHT up and I sing at the top of my voice and sway side to side as I am doing so ......... I'd love to know what people think! hahahaha

You have to really listen to the lyrics as they are beautiful.

Enjoy x

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Thursday's Song - Port Isaac's Fisherman's Friends - No Hopers Jokers & Rouges

I L.O.V.E Port Isaac's Fisherman's Friends! 

My husband introduced me to them in the middle of last year.  This is the husband who doesn't really care about music and me that can't live without music. 

I really mean that by the way, music is really, really important to me.  I'm one of those people that if anything happens in my life I assign a song to it.  Make ups, break ups, illness, love, death, all of it.  I can't really listen to Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars as it's the song that reminds me of when my sister was in hospital and losing her battle with breast cancer.  I did want to just lay with her and forget the world.  As I said, I can't listen to it and I have to turn over the radio when it comes on.

Anyway, I digress.  The husband came across a documentary about them on Sky and loved them instantly and so did I.  Even they will admit that they are not professional singers, but to me that's what makes them more appealing.  They look like they are just having the best fun ever.  All bar one, they have been friends since the were little and they get to travel the country, having a good time, doing something they love with their best mates.  I could go for that.

We went to Exeter in March to see them live (husbands Christmas present) and they were amazing. Their voices are so powerful and I think that only when you see someone live can you get a real feel for them. A brillint night.

I have just finished their book which had me giggling away to myself, reading all about the things they have got up to and the mishaps, usually involving Billy!

I have chosen this song because for some reason the lyrics hit home to me.  Anyway, enjoy the song and enjoy the boys.

Marge x

Monday, 16 April 2012

I have an Aga crush

Actually, I'm having more of a huge love affair with one and unfortunately it's an affair from afar.  I don't have an Aga and I can't see myself having one for a few years yet, but does that stop me from loving them, not a chance!

Don't get me wrong, this is not a recent discovery as I have always loved Agas and have always wanted one, but for some reason over the last 2 months it has become a HUGE thing and I can't stop thinking about them. I have been looking at Aga shop websites, deciding whether to have a two, three or four oven model (I settled on a four), what colour (light blue), what the energy consumption is, the price (eekk!!) and just swooning.

I have cards of them hanging in my kitchen.

I had to buy this card when I saw it in a shop in Exeter when me and hubby went to see The Port Isaac's Fisherman's Friends.

I also have had this stuck to my kitchen wall for over a year

It was from Country Living Magazine and it's how my kitchen is going to look when I finish it (I have to start if first though!).  The kitchen will be minus the Aga though.

And look, I have the perfect place for it to go as well. 

Apparently the cottage had a solid fuel Rayburn up to 20 years ago, but when they renovated it they thought it would be a good idea to rip it out ....... how very dare they!

We had a day in Swanage last week and we went into a shop that had one; working, warm and gorgeous.  Well, of course, that has just made the wanting increase a hundred fold.

Now, how can I get my hands on a spare £8,000 (ish!).